Creating a Lending Pool

Chelo Lending user guide

In the previous section we opened / created a new Mini Dao linked to an Aragon DAO. In this section we will show you how to approve loans to members.

For each mini Dao and token you want to lend (assuming the DAO already holds it in their treasury) you must create a lending pool first.

  • Go to the “Tokens” table and click the “+” Icon.

  • a Modal will appear -- choose one of the many tokens displayed; click on it to add and submit your transaction for the mini DAO approval (in Aragon).

  • In Aragon, go to your mini-DAO voting dashboard and approve the creation of your lending pool. (You'll see the dashboard at Aragon and then clicking the “Voting” app). The mini-dao address is located at the top of our app.

You can see the full process in the following video:

Last updated