Add/remove voting members

Chelo Lending user guide

A voting member should be selected from the original DAO as one of the loan gatekeepers.

We can add and remove voting members from our mini-DAO:

  • If we click on the “Member list” button in our mini-DAO interface, we will go to another screen with the current members and their stake.

  • If we click on the “+” symbol a modal will appear to add more members to the mini-DAO, we can add as many members as we want in a single transaction. That transaction must be approved by the Main-DAO, since that dao is the manager of our members.

  • If we click on the trash Icon we will be asked to “reduce the stake” of the member. For membership mini-DAOs this will be only one (given that voting members only have a single token). For the other DAO types it can be more than one.

  • Once this transaction and vote is approved it will “burn the tokens” of those members, reducing or removing their voting power to approve loans.

Last updated